SoapOpera Web Services:
In this server, some SOAP services are running on port 8823.
Yes, they are completely written in Squeak!
Services are:
- browseClassDefinition:
- helloWorld
- returnComplexDictionary:
- reverseArray:
- reverseString:
- timeNow
- transcriptShow:
For details, see SoapOpera Examples (no WSDLs...sorry!)
After instaling SoapOpera, you can try client codes.
"Print it"
| call |
call := (SoapCallEntry tcpHost: '' port: 8823) newCall.
call methodName: 'helloWorld'.
call invokeAndReturn.
More Examples are found in '_samples_' directory.
You can even see a Google API Cliet example.
| googleKey searchKey call |
googleKey := 'gAE2CMNBd1xA+bRPXOmLkmT9+X8Y3bwG'. "your Google API registration key"
searchKey := 'squeak'. "search words"
call := (SoapCallEntry tcpHost: '' port: 80) newCall.
call targetObjectURI: ''.
call namespace: 'urn:GoogleSearch'.
call methodName: 'doGoogleSearch'.
call addParameters: {
{#key. googleKey}.
{#q. searchKey}.
{#start. 0. 'xsd:int'}.
{#maxResults. 10. 'xsd:int'}.
{#filter. true}.
{#restrict. ''}.
{#safeSearch. false}.
{#lr. ''}.
{#ie. 'latin1'}.
{#oe. 'latin1'}
call invokeAndReturn
See also: Spray (Dolphin Smalltalk SOAP) Interop with SoapOpera (WSDLs are there)
[:masashi | ^umezawa]

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- Software last edited on 13 November 2015 at 11:12:24 pm by
- SoapCore last edited on 26 June 2004 at 12:42:58 pm by