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最終更新情報: 11:21:54 pm on 20 November 2009 by HKRbm135.tokyo-ip.dti.ne.jp
updated 2009/11/20 !2009.November version is available!! (I'll update documents soon) <B>SuperSwiki2 server 2009 supports Etoys4</B>. @server !Server: -*SuperSwik2 server all-in-one (recommended)>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/all-in-one/SuperSwiki2Server20091119-all-in-one.zip* *(settings)>http://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/6* All-in-one pack for server includes VMs, server images and scripts to run SuperSwiki2 server in your platforms. Just extract the ZIP and run the script -- SuperSwiki2 server will start immediately without any hustle and bustles. (This is a subset of all-in-one pack) -*SuperSwik2 server image (Squeak VM is needed to run)>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/images/SuperSwiki2Server20091119.zip* _ (The section below is old. I'll update docs soon...) !All-in-one pack: -*SuperSwik2 all-in-one pack>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/all-in-one/SuperSwiki2-20080719-all-in-one.zip* All-in-one pack includes VMs, server images , client plugin images, scripts , documents to start SuperSwiki2 in your platforms (Win, Mac, and Linux). Just extract the ZIP and follow *the instruction document>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/docs/SuperSwiki2-SqFest07.pdf*. @client !Client (optional) -*Customized SqueakPlugin for SuperSwiki2>ftp://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/images/SuperSwiki2SqueakPluginE.zip* * This is a customized SqueakPlugin for auto-detecting SuperSwiki2 servers on LAN. Just unzip and replace the existing SqueakPlugin.image with the extracted version). Customized SqueakPlugin is only needed if you would like to avoid *client side settings>http://swikis.ddo.jp/SuperSwiki2/25*. _ !For developers (expert only): SqueakMap entries: -*SuperSwiki2>http://map.squeak.org/package/0c33e541-d366-40b6-87ef-05e266501b15* -*SuperSwiki2Client>http://map.squeak.org/package/f2c304c1-2c0b-44ba-b761-9cf1d90aaa2c* -*SuperSwiki2Discovery>http://map.squeak.org/package/3d6b9e88-9f02-438d-86f7-1ecade7bea30* SqueakSourceJ entries: -*http://squeaksource.blueplane.jp/SuperSwiki2.html* -*http://squeaksource.blueplane.jp/SuperSwiki2Client.html