Tuesday, 16 November 2010, 3:05:21 am
これを以下のようにすることにします →
-- sako
Monday, 15 November 2010, 11:28:27 pm
といった感じで補って次の文に繋ぐのはいかがでしょうか? --tetha
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初出: the Proceedings of the ACM National Conference, Boston Aug. 1972
- パヴェーゼ
私たちはこのプロセスの中で、テクノロジーは本以上に必要とされる構成要素だとは思っていません。 しかしそれは、受動的なものではなく、(子供のように)能動的なより良い「本」をもたらしてくれることでしょう。その本は、テレビが持つような注意を惹きつける力を持ちながらも、その力をテレビ局側からではなく、子供自身によって制御できるようなものになるでしょう。それはピアノのようなものですが:(はい、これもテクノロジーの産物です)ツールであり、おもちゃであり、表現のメディアであり、果てしない喜びの源泉であり…そしてまた、他の物と同様に、無知なものの手にかかれば酷い苦役の元にもなるのです!!
This note speculates about the emergence of personal, portable information manipulators and their effects when used by both children and adults. Although it should be read as science fiction, current trends in miniaturization and price reduction almost guarantee that many of the notions discussed will actually happen in the near future.
"To know the world one must construct it."
For many years it has been a tradition to attempt to cure our society's ills through technology: "You have slums? Let's build low-cost housing!" "You can't afford that TV? We'll build a cheaper one and you can buy it on time, even though it will break before you've finished paying for it!" "Your kids aren't learning and education is too expensive? We'll build you a teaching machine which will guarantee your kids will pass tests!"
Unfortunately, most of these "cures" are no more than paint over rust; the sources of the initial problems still remain. Education goals are even more obscured by the diverse models of the "end product" which exist: the society wants more members of the society (cultural genetics), the parents may want success, conformity, fame, or don't care; the kid is not asked (he may just want to plant beans and watch them come up). What about the teachers? They, of course, range from enlightened human beings (who have a good model of themselves, what it is that they are trying to communicate, and what the child's current model of the situation is), to those well-intentioned people who would like to teach (but lack talent), to those who take it as a job, or worse, drift into it because "ed" was the easiest way through college and now begrudge their fate through their young charges.
Technologists point out that at least the bottom categories would be eliminated through a teaching machine. What they seldom understand is that what is delivered is a box which at best squarely fits the middle category: well intentioned but lacking talent! Can technology ever deliver a box with the attributes of the first category of teacher? Maybe. But first, it must decide that it is a necessary and desirable goal to do so.
What we would like to do in this brief note is to discuss some aspects of the learning process which we feel can be augmented through technological media. Most of the notions have at their root a number of theories about the child. We feel that a child is a "verb" rather than a "noun", an actor rather than an object; he is not a scaled-up pigeon or rat; he is trying to acquire a model of his surrounding environment in order to deal with it; his theories are "practical" notions of how to get from idea A to idea B rather than "consistent" branches of formal logic, etc. We would like to hook into his current modes of thought in order to influence him rather than just trying to replace his model with one of our own.
We do not feel that technology is a necessary constituent for this process any more than is the book. It may, however, provide us with a better "book", one which is active (like the child) rather than passive. It may be something with the attention grabbing powers of TV, but controllable by the child rather than the networks. It can be like a piano: (a product of technology, yes), but one which can be a tool, a toy, a medium of expression, a source of unending pleasure and delight...and, as with most gadgets in unenlightened hands, a terrible drudge!!
This new medium will not "save the world" from disaster. Just as with the book, it brings a new set of horizons and a new set of problems. The book did, however, allow centuries of human knowledge to be encapsulated and transmitted to everybody; perhaps an active medium can also convey some of the excitement of thought and creation!
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